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Get valuable feedback...

and validate your hypotheses

Joanna Tucharz avatar
Written by Joanna Tucharz
Updated over a week ago

This use case will allow you to:

  • Find beta-testers for your product

  • Receive opinions on how to improve it

Time to set up in Growbots: 20 minutes

What’s it all about?

When launching a new product or service, getting feedback from multiple people is crucial in the beginning. Finding the ones that are willing and have the time to test it out can be very time-consuming, which is why it’s best to do it at scale!


  1. Click on the ‘Add new campaign’ button

  2. Set up your targeting to reach a specific group of people. Remember that selecting more specific target groups enables you to personalize the messages more which results in better conversion!

  3. Create a sequence to contact them

    PRO TIP: proposing something in return can make the prospects more willing to test your product!

Example campaigns

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