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Rewarm and nurture your leads
Jake Wanat avatar
Written by Jake Wanat
Updated over a week ago

Growbots database gives you an opportunity to reach out to thousands of new people from your Total Addressable Market, but our email automation tool can as well serve to revive old opportunities. Below are a few examples of Rewarm and Lead Nurturing campaigns to re-engage old warm leads that went silent.

This use case will allow you to:

  • Bring the old warm leads that never converted back to your pipeline

Time to set up in Growbots: 30 min - 1 hour

What is it all about?

Very often outbound leads can vanish into thin air without becoming your customers or even before hearing your full offer. It is more than natural – sometimes, there are dozens of factors that need to fall into place for an outbound deal to close. However, with time remaining arguably the most important aspect of success in outbound sales, it is crucial to regularly touch base with those prospects who expressed their interest in your product or offer in the past.

A simple rewarm campaign can be launched as early as one month or a month and a half after the initial contact. You don’t have to write new elaborate email templates from scratch - a sequence of “nudges” or “quick refreshers” will do the job. Your prospects could have simply been too busy or it was not a priority for them at that time – our goal here is to remind them that they were once interested to hear more. A perfect example of such a campaign is the “End of the Month” outreach shown later in this article.

A nurturing campaign is aimed at refreshing conversations with older warm leads. We recommend running such campaigns not more often than once in half a year. Such a campaign should indicate that you had contact, but that contact was long ago. For example, it can be an End of Year campaign or end of a quarter campaign. Ideally, you should have context for reaching out again; for instance, you know the seasonality of their business and you think now is a better time to revive your conversation.

You can either recycle your unresponsive old leads from Growbots or import a list from your CRM - both processes are really quick and don't require a major time investment. You’ll also need to draft a sequence of emails highlighting why you are reaching out - you can use the sequences provided below as examples.

You can also watch our webinar here to learn about more rewarming tactics.


If you are recycling old warm leads from Growbots, go to the My contacts page, then open the Interested tab, and select those leads that were never converted. After you select all such leads, click on the Action button on the right-hand side, choose Transfer to Another Campaign, and next click on Create New Campaign.

Qualifying/ unqualifying warm leads based on their engagement with you allows you to filter out all the prospects suitable for rewam by clicking on Stage → Unqualified.

If you are importing old warm leads from your CRM, here is the instruction with detailed steps on how to do that.


Here you'll find an example rewarm & nurturing campaign

Initial Email “End of the Month” rewarming campaign

Initial Email Nurturing campaign after 6 months

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