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Creating templates
Chris Traczyk avatar
Written by Chris Traczyk
Updated over 11 months ago

Messages are a vital part of any outbound campaign, they make your prospect get interested in your offer and, what's most important, reply!

To see a display of your previously used templates, go to Templates. You can sort them by their name in the list view or see them in a tiles view. The statistics for each template will be displayed (you can read more about them in this article). Category of the template is defined by the blue box with one or few envelopes. If only one envelope is displayed, the template is an initial e-mail (first e-mail in a sequence). If there are three envelopes, the template is a follow-up. You can also track the number of sequences in which a certain template is used.


In this tutorial you can learn more about creating and modifying templates:

How to create a template?

To create a new template, click on add new template. You’ll have to name it, a good format for the name would be “Your name Date of creation/Name of industry targeted in the project”. Choose whether your template is an initial message (first e-mail in a sequence) or a follow-up (messages that follow the first e-mail).

  1. To create a new template, go to Templates tab click on Add new template.

  2. Name the template and decide whether it’s an initial message (first e-mail in a sequence) or a follow-up (message that follows the first e-mail).

  3. Insert the from field according to sender’s name.

  4. If you’re creating an initial message, it will be sent in a new message thread.

  5. Type in the subject line and body of the message.

  6. We highly recommend using custom fields! You can learn how to create new ones here. Conditions are also something you might find useful, you can find out more about them here.


GPT Template Generator

If you don't have an idea for a catchy message, there's no need to worry! We come to you with our new feature that, with a touch of ChatGPT, creates effective emails for your prospects. You’ll find a handy button right when adding a new step.

You can just provide a company description and target audience, and you’re good to go. The generator will remember your previous inputs, but you can now re-generate the template. Also, we’re giving you the power to fine-tune your templates with “Make it shorter,” “Make it more official,” and “Make it more casual” options.

Now, you can also generate follow-up messages, so the process of creating a sequence became much faster.

What should my message look like?

Remember that each message should consist of the opening line, pitch and call to action. To be more precise:

  • In the opening line you want to touch base with the prospect, say something personal about them. Don’t start with introducing yourself or your company, focus on them.

  • Pitch is the opportunity to present the benefits of your solution, show how you can help the prospect solve their issue.

  • Leave instructions to your prospect, what can he do if he is interested in further communication make Call To Action. Suggest a time for a talk, or leave your Calendly link so that your prospect can schedule it himself. Where you and the prospect can talk more about your offer, be direct and write only one CTA.

Our Template helper feature will help you with creating a good message. You can unfold it and look for the tips regarding Personalization, Message content and Deliverability.


You can also check a quick tutorial, which will be finalized with creating your initial message or follow-up. Thanks to it, you will be able to create your email in a few seconds and achieve great results!

To find your own educational template, go to messages, click + Choose from template database and choose whether you'd like to create initial or follow-up message:

You can also use custom fields that are in the right panel. One of them is random condition, a form of Spintax, that lets you insert a list of words or phrases into a template. When the email is sent to a prospect, the template will randomly select one of the phrases to display. This feature functions similarly to any other custom field available. You can read more about it here!

How to edit a template?

You can always edit your templates, even when they are in use. The scheduled messages will just switch automatically! All you need to do to edit a template is:

  1. Enter the Templates section,

  2. Find the message that you would like to edit, you can use Search tool or filters to find it easier,

  3. Click on the message,

  4. Remember to click Save after implementing the changes.

It's done, all the prospects that have the message scheduled will receive its newest version!

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