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Step 8: Scheduling
Chris Traczyk avatar
Written by Chris Traczyk
Updated over a week ago

In this article you can learn more about steps to keep in mind while Scheduling your campaigns:

Choosing email account

At this point, you will decide which email account you want to use to send your campaign and when you want to start it. You can either use the email address(es) already connected or you can integrate a brand new one (by clicking on green + Add email account button). Here's how the scheduling logic works:.

  • Your prospects will be split up among all the addresses you choose. It means that if you schedule 1000 prospects and select 5 email accounts, 200 messages will be sent from each of them, unless some of them have more messages already scheduled from other campaigns.

  • You will never exceed your daily limits, which will prevent you from being marked as spam. If you have set a maximum of 100 messages a day for your email account, and you schedule more, some of those emails will be scheduled on the next possible day, in accordance with your sequence timing (here's a separate article about sending limits).

Each of these features let you control your email accounts and the number of messages sent from each of them on the daily basis, which has a positive impact on your email health.


Scheduling sending date

The next step is to decide when you want to start your campaign. You can:

  • Check the box and start it immediately, which means that the initial message will be sent within a few minutes regardless the timing criteria in your sequence.

  • Choose a start date so that you can plan your campaigns for the future.


Priorities when scheduling

Sometimes you may schedule more messages than you have available in your sending limits, or schedule a couple campaigns at once. You don't have to worry about that, the system will not send it all at once - that's why it's good to know its priorities:

  1. If you schedule more than one campaign at once, and that's what usually happens, our system gives a priority to the first scheduled campaign.

  2. The system will obey your timing criteria selected when creating a sequence. It means that it needs to find the right days to respect "Send x days after" and weekdays criteria. If you have chosen to send the initial message only on Tuesdays, and you schedule your campaign to start on Friday, first messages will be scheduled for the next available Tuesday.

  3. If there are no free slots on the certain day, the system will schedule the messages on the next available date (it will not exceed the sending limits, unless you change them).

Preview & schedule

When you’re ready to schedule your campaign, click next step, which will be Preview & schedule.

That's it! Your campaign is practically ready to launch! The only thing that's left to do is to check a couple messages in the preview. You may check if the message is correct, if the custom fields are working as they should etc.

In this step, you can also personalize some of the messages if you want to reach out to some more important prospects (here's an article about it).

If you are sure that everything is set up correctly, all that is left is to hit Launch campaign button (this is the point when your credits are taken from your account for the scheduled prospects). Now you need to monitor the results and cope with replies from your prospects. Let the outbound games begin!

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