Statistics & reports
Chris Traczyk avatar
Written by Chris Traczyk
Updated over a week ago

Checking your results and monitoring how they change in time is an important part of cold emailing. Every industry is very dynamic and it’s best to analyze your performance on a regular basis - and we try to make it as easy and accessible as possible!

Growbots allows you to monitor the performance of your campaigns in various ways.

You can view the statistics for your campaigns, as well as keep an eye on the performance of the specific templates and sequences that you’re using, so that you can experiment with your targeting and messages in order to see what brings you the best results.

Moreover, you can download some more detailed reports from your dashboard to have even more valuable insight.

Let’s have a look at some stats!


The statistics in our app let you monitor the following actions:

  • Sent - number of prospects who received at least one email,

  • Opened - prospects who opened at least one of your emails,

  • Clicked - prospects who clicked on at least one of your links,

  • Replied - prospects who replied to any email. Here we don’t count automatic replies, like out-of-office or bounce notifications,

  • Warm - prospects whose reply was marked by our algorithm as a warm reply.

Here’s how these stats are counted:

All those actions, such as opens, are assigned to the time when the opened message was sent. For example, if you sent 50 messages in your Week 1, 5 of them were opened in Week 1, and another 5 of them were opened in Week 2, in your statistics you will see 10 opens for Week 1.
In other words, the statistics for a given week count all the actions that were concerned with the messages sent in said week, regardless when the action itself occurred.
The denominator is the number of all prospects who received at least one message in that period.

1. Charts

The charts give you a visual insight into the percentage of your prospects who performed the given action.
You can view global charts for all your prospects, as well as charts for specific campaigns.

A. You can see the charts for your global results in the Dashboard section. You just need to:

  • Move to the Statistics tab,

  • Choose whether you want to see the results for the whole organization (All emails), or for your email accounts only (My emails),

  • Adjust the time frame and, if you wish to, download the statistics:

B. You can also see the chart for each campaign separately. You just need to enter the campaign and click on the Statistics tab above the timeline:


2. Numerical statistics

You can view the numerical statistics for the specific campaigns, templates and sequences.

A. In order to view the numbers for a given campaign, you just need to go to the Campaigns section and scroll down to the list of your campaigns, where all the numbers are provided:


You can also view them by clicking into the given campaign:

You can read more about the campaign statistics and about analyzing them in this article.

B. Similarly, you can monitor the performance of the specific templates and sequences!

You just need to go to the Templates section of the app and choose either the Templates or Sequences tab in order to see their statistics:


There are a couple of small things to keep in mind while reviewing the statistics:

  • If some prospects were transferred from a given campaign, they remain in the original campaign’s statistics,

  • If some prospects replied, but then were rescheduled and didn’t reply after that, their current status is unresponsive, but they are counted toward replies in the statistics,

  • If a prospect responds that they want to unsubscribe and you change their status manually to unsubscribed, they are still counted toward replies in statistics.


If you want to see some more in-depth stats, you can download reports straight from your dashboard!
You just need to:

  • Switch the tab to Reports,

  • Choose the kind of the report you’d like to generate,

  • Choose whether you want to see the results for all your prospects, only the imported ones or only the Growbots-generated ones,

  • Choose the time frame,

  • Hit the download button!

Keep in mind that the values shown in your dashboard are just exemplary values - to see your results, you need to download the report. Then you just need to open it using e.g. Microsoft Excel.

Below you can see the six reports you can generate and see what values are included in each of them:

Results per campaign:

In this report you can see detailed information about the performance of all of your campaigns. You can see which campaigns perform best, and which could use some improvement - maybe a change in the sequence or a slight adjustment in the targeting?

Bounce rate per campaign:

If you’re interested in seeing the bounce rates for your campaigns or you’re worried about the deliverability of your messages - this is the report for you. High bounce rates suggest that it could be a good idea to perform a deliverability test and double check if you’re in line with our deliverability tips.

Results per sequence:

When you’re trying out various different sequences, this report will give you some great insight into which of them perform best.

Weekly digest:

Thanks to this report you can see a breakdown of your account week by week - you can see how many messages were sent, how many new prospects were contacted and how your messages performed each week.

Results per email account:

You can also view your results according to the email account that was used to send out the given messages.

Open/click report per prospect:

If you’re interested in seeing detailed information about your prospects’ actions, in this report you’ll see when they opened your messages, when they clicked a link and which link that was.

Regarding the data included in the reports, it’s important to keep in mind a couple of things:

  • In the reports, all the out of office replies are counted toward replies,

  • In the reports, under “Sent”, you can see how many prospects were contacted, not how many messages were sent,

  • Sometimes you may see that there are more replies than opens - this can happen when your prospects have automatic responses set up, which are sent without the messages being opened.

Should you have any additional questions, you can always contact us on chat or reach out to us via email:

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