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Scheduling your first campaign
Chris Traczyk avatar
Written by Chris Traczyk
Updated over a week ago

Note: keep in mind that this is just a short introduction to campaign creation. To find out how to take full advantage of our campaigns, take a look at this section.

After completing the technical setup, you’re ready to launch your first campaign. You can choose from 2 main options:

  • Find new contacts - this way you'll create an All-in-one campaign. Using this option you’ll specify your target, generate prospects from our database, and schedule a flow of communication to be sent from one or more of your email addresses or, alternatively, export those contacts to a CSV file;

  • Use my own contacts - this way you'll create an import campaign, which allows you to use our email automation system for the prospects that you already have from other sources.


The most common choice here is the All-in-one campaign. Once you choose this option, you'll be able to go through the following steps:


Define your target companies by using various detailed criteria, or searching for specific companies.


If you are looking for a specific company, you need to enter their domain, and then your can define the headquarters or office location.


With detailed criteria, you have a few filters to choose from to narrow down your target.

You can start with the Industry filter, just pick the most relevant ones.


The next filter is Company keywords - it lets you target non-standard industries or a specialization that a company may have. Our app is basically looking through the companies’ "Details", "About us" and "Information" sections to look for those keywords. You can also exclude keywords in this section if you don't want certain types of prospects in your target group. To do that, you need to type the position name or any other keyword or a part of it with a minus, e.g. “-junior”.


NOTE: You can also type keywords in quotation marks or brackets. It means that it will look exactly the same as you put it, e.g. type “land services” or (land services) to find all the companies that have keywords put exactly like this instead of finding other companies with “land” or “services” in their description.

The next filters are Location, Company size, Finances - the last one lets you define the annual revenue of the company. Other than that, you can filter by the company's Funding, Company website and Year founded. Check out this article for further info.


Now you can go to the next step - People, where you’ll be able to define what type of prospects you’d like to contact.

The first filters are Seniority level and Department, the only thing you have to do is tick the right boxes!

Alternatively, you can use the Job positions filter, which allows you to search by job title. For example, if you’d like to contact CEOs, type in “CEO”, but use the full position name as well, “Chief Executive Officer”. Also, if you want to exclude some job positions you can write it with “ - “ before its name, e.g. “-assistant”.


The next filters are Prospects keywords (which works pretty much the same as company keywords) and Max prospects per company, which will let you limit the quantity of generated prospects per company. This feature may help you to avoid targeting too many people from a single company and making it look like SPAM for them.



After clicking the “next step” button, you’ll be transferred to the Prospecting step, where you’ll have 50 prospects generated by default. You can look through them (clicking on their name will let you see more details about them) and decide if they are close to who you’re after.

You can Accept (add to this campaign), Reject (do not contact in this campaign list, but you can generate them in other campaigns), or Blacklist (you won’t be able to generate or contact this prospect in the future) these prospects. Also, there is a blue button with an arrow, which lets you transfer this prospect to another campaign.

If you want to look through more than 50 prospects at a time, you can always add more. To do that, you need to unfold Add prospects tab at the top of the table and choose to Generate option. Then you will be able to choose a number of prospects that you want to generate.


The next step is Sequences, where you define how you want to contact the people you accepted in the previous step. A sequence consists of a set of Templates (individual emails) which you can edit at any time and also use in different sequences. You can see how to create them here.


When it comes to the content of your messages, check out our Top-performing sequence, it’s a good example of what a successful campaign should look like.

Review custom fields

In the Review custom fields step, you can take a look at how the custom fields were filled out, and adjust them so that they sound more natural. For example, if you're using a "Position" custom field in your sequence and one of your prospects has their position custom field filled out as "Co-Founder, President and CEO", it will look way more natural if you change it to just "CEO".

Also, on this step you can fill out your own custom fields, if you have created any.

You can read all about custom fields in this article.

Scheduling messages

The email accounts step allows you to choose an email account from which you’d like to send out the campaign. You can also select a date on which the campaign should be started. On the timeline, you can see when the messages are scheduled. Please, bear in mind that the scheduled messages have to stay under the sending limits (sometimes they share the limits with the other campaigns going out from the same email address) and follow the time criteria defined in the sequence. If you want to read more about scheduling messages, check this article.


Preview & schedule

At last, the Preview & schedule step! Here you can edit or personalize the emails to your prospects. The only thing left to do is to click Launch Campaign!

Bear in mind that the moment you launch the campaign is when we take away your credits (each generated prospect costs 1 credit).

That’s it, you scheduled your first campaign! Now you can wait for the responses to come through. You can monitor the results of your campaign in the Summary view.

Here are a few additional articles that you might find useful in your journey:
Outbound Sales Handbook
Deliverability Best Practices

You can also learn more about creating campaigns in this article.

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